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Monday, January 24, 2011

What's The Weather Like Were You Are? It's Kinda Cold Here In Va This Morning.. My Kids R Catching Colds.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


In The beginning Of a relatiinship u must Bill & learn everything there is to know about each other. Some needed to know things r, Religion, likes & dislikes & future plans. Religions in a relatiinship can cause it to exist or not. U have to know what each other Religion is & what it consist of ist especially if there R two differen Religions involved. Dont waiting till The end to explain exactly what ur religión is about, explain fully & in detail. 2nd u have to know each others likes & dislikes if not its gonna b a problem. U have to know thisr favorite color & why. What thier favorite food is & why. Why they dont like a certain type Of food. Why they dont like a certain color. Why they lije thier hair short or long. Basically u have to know everything about this persons likes & dislikes. Future plans is a must in knowing The type Of person u r about to get involved with. Future plans sums up everything when building a strong Relationship from The beginning to The end. It involves Religion, likes & dislikes, its The foundation Of everything. If u r planing on getting Married in 5yrs & they r planning on doing it in 2 then thiers a conflict in both persons Future Plans. If u r planning to work & save Money & they r planning to stay home & spend then u have to know this in the beginning. At the end, getting to know one another & each others prefferences is best before you rake your Relationship to the next level. If u find some things out about each other that's not in common try to work it out FIRST, by comprimizing. U must comprimize to where it suites both not just one..RELATIONSHIPS if it's not going to work, don't take it to the next level until it does.. If KIDS R involved u must remain intelligent just 4 them, but not in THE RELATIONSHIP.. TAKE CARE UR KIDS.. Until the next time "ADAMNGOODDAD"

Friday, January 7, 2011

A Prison Mind Is Not 4 The Streets. A Street Mind Is Not 4 Prison.. When U Hit The Streets From Prison Have Ur Mind Right..MENTALGAMERIGHT..

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

BAby Girl DADDY NEED U 2 DO Some 4 HIM...... Make Sure To Always LUV DADDY & TAKE CARE OF HIM... 1 MOE thing.. Throw the DAMN Thing Up 4 LIF
Now Aint That Some.... Baby Girl Growing Up... I Gotta Make Sure I Teach My Girls Say NO... & MEAN IT.. NO IS NO... Can't Help But 2 LUV UM.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Still The Same Person,.. But In A Different Form

Whats Up Peep & Keep Being BLESSED.. See im spreading LUV by showing how much I LUV MY KIDS.. I wasnt always like this.. I was. Hitting The streets First. Then coming HOME to take Carey MY FAM..  Ive Grown & Learned to pût MY FAM..M'Y BLOOD FIRST Before The STREETS & MONEY.. BUY making sûre they knew I LUV them & JUST HOW mUCH I LUV Them.. Thats how ive changed, that dosent mean that everything bout me has changes cause it hasnt.. But The LUV that has GROWN inside of ME has Made me A Better FATHER, FRIEND, SON, BROTHER & HUSBAND/ BOYFRIEND.. I havé also learned that without MONEY i cannot b The MAN i need to B 4 m'y Kids..Do what im saying ive learned ti pût The two together on one page.. But being more patient 4 The MONEY.. MONEY is gonna B hère 4 ever, even after WE are DEAD & GONE... GOD Plays The Biggest part of all of this in MY LIFE.. So GOD is behind this & all things in MY LIFE.. But somehow at The END of The DAY.. I CAN Still B that NIGGA.. This is ME &  coming from The HEART.. But Remember I AM A PRODUCT OF MY ENVIORMENT.. Still The same but in a Different FORM... I am coming in LUV until Theres NO LUV there.. Thats when i becume that PRODUCT OF MY ENVIORNMENT.... PEACE..