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Monday, February 28, 2011


Love.. Love has away to just start.. It starts without you knowing.. See sometimes you can love a person & not know it.. It's not the big things that makes love grow, it's the small things.. Be careful when being involved with someone cause they could love you. I think it's easier to live than not to live without Love.You can fall for a person & just not realize it. It seems that love is a predominate force it exist in us.. When were born it's already in us.. Can you fall inlove with a person just from meeting them.. I say yes cause love already exits in us.. Its hard not to love a person when you have been involved with them.. Can love turn to hate.. It's impossible for a love relationship to just simply turn into hate. We aren't born with hate, it grows in us. Love is the force that's already instilled in us from birth.. Hate can grow in a peron no matter who it is, but it's not with us from the beginning. Love is a funny thing you can seem to really live with it, but you definently can't live without it. LOVE.."ITS FROM GOD,BUT THE DEVIL MAKES IT A MUTHERFUCKER"...LuvnMeLuvnU

Monday, January 24, 2011

What's The Weather Like Were You Are? It's Kinda Cold Here In Va This Morning.. My Kids R Catching Colds.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


In The beginning Of a relatiinship u must Bill & learn everything there is to know about each other. Some needed to know things r, Religion, likes & dislikes & future plans. Religions in a relatiinship can cause it to exist or not. U have to know what each other Religion is & what it consist of ist especially if there R two differen Religions involved. Dont waiting till The end to explain exactly what ur religión is about, explain fully & in detail. 2nd u have to know each others likes & dislikes if not its gonna b a problem. U have to know thisr favorite color & why. What thier favorite food is & why. Why they dont like a certain type Of food. Why they dont like a certain color. Why they lije thier hair short or long. Basically u have to know everything about this persons likes & dislikes. Future plans is a must in knowing The type Of person u r about to get involved with. Future plans sums up everything when building a strong Relationship from The beginning to The end. It involves Religion, likes & dislikes, its The foundation Of everything. If u r planing on getting Married in 5yrs & they r planning on doing it in 2 then thiers a conflict in both persons Future Plans. If u r planning to work & save Money & they r planning to stay home & spend then u have to know this in the beginning. At the end, getting to know one another & each others prefferences is best before you rake your Relationship to the next level. If u find some things out about each other that's not in common try to work it out FIRST, by comprimizing. U must comprimize to where it suites both not just one..RELATIONSHIPS if it's not going to work, don't take it to the next level until it does.. If KIDS R involved u must remain intelligent just 4 them, but not in THE RELATIONSHIP.. TAKE CARE UR KIDS.. Until the next time "ADAMNGOODDAD"

Friday, January 7, 2011

A Prison Mind Is Not 4 The Streets. A Street Mind Is Not 4 Prison.. When U Hit The Streets From Prison Have Ur Mind Right..MENTALGAMERIGHT..

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

BAby Girl DADDY NEED U 2 DO Some 4 HIM...... Make Sure To Always LUV DADDY & TAKE CARE OF HIM... 1 MOE thing.. Throw the DAMN Thing Up 4 LIF
Now Aint That Some.... Baby Girl Growing Up... I Gotta Make Sure I Teach My Girls Say NO... & MEAN IT.. NO IS NO... Can't Help But 2 LUV UM.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Still The Same Person,.. But In A Different Form

Whats Up Peep & Keep Being BLESSED.. See im spreading LUV by showing how much I LUV MY KIDS.. I wasnt always like this.. I was. Hitting The streets First. Then coming HOME to take Carey MY FAM..  Ive Grown & Learned to pût MY FAM..M'Y BLOOD FIRST Before The STREETS & MONEY.. BUY making sûre they knew I LUV them & JUST HOW mUCH I LUV Them.. Thats how ive changed, that dosent mean that everything bout me has changes cause it hasnt.. But The LUV that has GROWN inside of ME has Made me A Better FATHER, FRIEND, SON, BROTHER & HUSBAND/ BOYFRIEND.. I havé also learned that without MONEY i cannot b The MAN i need to B 4 m'y Kids..Do what im saying ive learned ti pût The two together on one page.. But being more patient 4 The MONEY.. MONEY is gonna B hère 4 ever, even after WE are DEAD & GONE... GOD Plays The Biggest part of all of this in MY LIFE.. So GOD is behind this & all things in MY LIFE.. But somehow at The END of The DAY.. I CAN Still B that NIGGA.. This is ME &  coming from The HEART.. But Remember I AM A PRODUCT OF MY ENVIORMENT.. Still The same but in a Different FORM... I am coming in LUV until Theres NO LUV there.. Thats when i becume that PRODUCT OF MY ENVIORNMENT.... PEACE..