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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ain't This Some Shit!!!!!

See I have been out of Prison 5 months now, No Dirty Urines, No Gun or Drug charges, for Me that's GOOD. Now on 11/29/2010 I'm back in court AGAIN, ain't that something, for what A PROTECTIVE ORDER. Mane I been with my WIFE 16years MARRIED 13 years. We been threw alot too. We done had 4 Kids 2girls& 2boys. We gave beeh threw a ROBBERY where 2 dudes had my wife & kids hostage mane, I come In the house start tussling wit 1 dude smack the GUN away from him 2 have another DUDE come out from whereever & pick the GUN up & shoot me three times once in my spine, lung, & under my left arm, ain't that some shit!!  Now I went to PRISON cause I was BEEFN, Yes I was handling My business. Now I came home to My Wife & Kids, but it ain't been nothing but alot of disagreeing. She's not listening to me anymore, she done got real headstrong wit Me To mane. Me being a man I can't really understand the WOMANS ATTITUDE so we started arguring, a little pushing around the wrong thing right now for me. Now I'm back in front the JUDGE wit a PROTETCTIVE ORDER against ME, ain't that some shit, 5 months out NOW THIS. I'm on Probation And Everything. I guess WE are about To go OUR seperate ways this time 4 sure. I CANNOT HAVE A WONAN with me that wants to see me in PRISON. That's Where She Wants Me To Be EVIDENTLY RIGHT??  

Monday, November 1, 2010

I Thought About That Question You Asked, Sorry For Taking So Long But Check It: It Will Be Stupid To Get Out Of Prison & To Go Right Back YaDigg? So If You In A Cituation Like That, Then Get The FUCK UP OUT OF IT & REVERSE IT DIGG?