Richards Online Deals Incorporated

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

RT @TonyGaskins: Looking at someone elses plate won't fill you up.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


WHAT'S UP OUT THERE?: UM HU, O.K!!!: "Um Hu O.K. That was a nice look alike contest you won, but I don't think you wanna play no more, I'm trying to figure out why not. See Homi..."

UM HU, O.K!!!

Um Hu O.K. That was a nice look alike contest you won, but I don't think you wanna play no more, I'm trying to figure out why not. See Homie the last time I saw you, I got the feeling like Damn,, Its like that!! Now I understand you just wanna have this Superman look, cause that's all it was homie a look. So, O.K you won the best look alike I must admitt. But see him now Homie where he at? That's not were I wanted him at but I'll make it work out for me, by letting him be ASS-UP for me, yea that's O.K I'll take that, but I'm gonna make sure that's the way it turns out that he's ASS-UP for me, YA DIGG? As for you, I ain't done yet! See Homie the say what goes around comes around I believe that, but, when it comes to you I'll take the ASS-UP but that might be what you want. I'm going to make sure I think about this long and hard for U caus I know you scared, snitching & you not trying to end up where they are RIGHT? So what I'm really thinking bout is What Type Of Favor Should I Do You? Now I got one more thing to say "DONT DO WHAT PEOPLE TELL YOU TO, CAUSE IT MIGHT NOT BE GOOD FOR YOU". I know you understand that now, but it's too late. "NOW DONT WHINE UP BEING ASS-UP, THATS NOT WHAT I REALLY WANT