Richards Online Deals Incorporated

Thursday, December 9, 2010

songsthatleadtosex... R.KELLY 12 PLAY....

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ain't This Some Shit!!!!!

See I have been out of Prison 5 months now, No Dirty Urines, No Gun or Drug charges, for Me that's GOOD. Now on 11/29/2010 I'm back in court AGAIN, ain't that something, for what A PROTECTIVE ORDER. Mane I been with my WIFE 16years MARRIED 13 years. We been threw alot too. We done had 4 Kids 2girls& 2boys. We gave beeh threw a ROBBERY where 2 dudes had my wife & kids hostage mane, I come In the house start tussling wit 1 dude smack the GUN away from him 2 have another DUDE come out from whereever & pick the GUN up & shoot me three times once in my spine, lung, & under my left arm, ain't that some shit!!  Now I went to PRISON cause I was BEEFN, Yes I was handling My business. Now I came home to My Wife & Kids, but it ain't been nothing but alot of disagreeing. She's not listening to me anymore, she done got real headstrong wit Me To mane. Me being a man I can't really understand the WOMANS ATTITUDE so we started arguring, a little pushing around the wrong thing right now for me. Now I'm back in front the JUDGE wit a PROTETCTIVE ORDER against ME, ain't that some shit, 5 months out NOW THIS. I'm on Probation And Everything. I guess WE are about To go OUR seperate ways this time 4 sure. I CANNOT HAVE A WONAN with me that wants to see me in PRISON. That's Where She Wants Me To Be EVIDENTLY RIGHT??  

Monday, November 1, 2010

I Thought About That Question You Asked, Sorry For Taking So Long But Check It: It Will Be Stupid To Get Out Of Prison & To Go Right Back YaDigg? So If You In A Cituation Like That, Then Get The FUCK UP OUT OF IT & REVERSE IT DIGG?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

RT @TonyGaskins: Looking at someone elses plate won't fill you up.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


WHAT'S UP OUT THERE?: UM HU, O.K!!!: "Um Hu O.K. That was a nice look alike contest you won, but I don't think you wanna play no more, I'm trying to figure out why not. See Homi..."

UM HU, O.K!!!

Um Hu O.K. That was a nice look alike contest you won, but I don't think you wanna play no more, I'm trying to figure out why not. See Homie the last time I saw you, I got the feeling like Damn,, Its like that!! Now I understand you just wanna have this Superman look, cause that's all it was homie a look. So, O.K you won the best look alike I must admitt. But see him now Homie where he at? That's not were I wanted him at but I'll make it work out for me, by letting him be ASS-UP for me, yea that's O.K I'll take that, but I'm gonna make sure that's the way it turns out that he's ASS-UP for me, YA DIGG? As for you, I ain't done yet! See Homie the say what goes around comes around I believe that, but, when it comes to you I'll take the ASS-UP but that might be what you want. I'm going to make sure I think about this long and hard for U caus I know you scared, snitching & you not trying to end up where they are RIGHT? So what I'm really thinking bout is What Type Of Favor Should I Do You? Now I got one more thing to say "DONT DO WHAT PEOPLE TELL YOU TO, CAUSE IT MIGHT NOT BE GOOD FOR YOU". I know you understand that now, but it's too late. "NOW DONT WHINE UP BEING ASS-UP, THATS NOT WHAT I REALLY WANT

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hey, What's Happening In Your Town?: Inside of VA

Hey, What's Happening In Your Town?: Inside of VA: "Today, another hot day Inside VA. Today as I ride getting my kids ready 4 School, I see the POLICE'RICHMONDPOLICE' pulling people over, I G..."

WHAT'S UP OUT THERE?: Been Gone Now Im Back.

WHAT'S UP OUT THERE?: Been Gone Now Im Back.: "4 the last past couple of years Ive been missing out of my kids life progress and schooling, but this school year I finaly was able to be here 4 them

Been Gone Now Im Back.

4 the last past couple of years Ive been missing out of my kids progress, & schooling, but this school year I finaly was able to be here 4 them. This was the first week for my kids to be back in school, boy were they a sight 4 sore eyes. I have 3 boys & 2 girls. 1 of my 2 girls & 2 of my 3 boys are attending school this year & I must say they have grown & looked very muchuier 4 their ages.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

what's happening wit you?

Hey, we know everybody has something to say about what's going with them and or around them. So lets let it be known how we feel about things that's happening to us, with us, for us, & around us."So we deciced to call this one................. "WHAT'S HAPPENING WIT U" So go-ahead, Let your voice be heard & speak out about "WHAT'S HAPPENING WIT U".